Africa Dreaming: African myth in the heart of Eryri (Snowdonia)

A storytelling retreat centred around the story of Woyengi & The Medicine Woman, a myth from the Ijo people of the Niger Delta, which will be brought to life in the land of the Ancient Britons.

Where: Cae Mabon.
When: 11-14 July 2024
Led by: Jan Blake.
Cost, including meals & accommodation: £700.
Subsidised spaces, limited to 3 people: £625
There are 22 spaces available.
Background image: 'Sandra & Baby' by Mallicia 'Kapo' Reynolds ©National Gallery of Jamaica.

The Myth: Woyengi & The Medicine Woman

In the beginning there was mud. At a large wooden table in the centre of this muddy expanse, accompanied by the awesome sound of thunder & lightning, sat the goddess of creation and fate. This is Woyengi. Rolling bodies into being between thumb and fore-finger, she invites each one to select their own destiny.
However, there is one among her creations who has changed her mind about her chosen future, bringing about chaos and disaster in her quest for an alternative.
If you could choose your own destiny, what would it be? And how far would you go if you discovered that you’d made the wrong choice?Immersing ourselves in this Nigerian myth, we will use movement, story & the exquisite landscape of Cae Mabon as a meditation on some of the questions we often find ourselves wrestling with in our daily lives.

The Retreat: What you can expect

Together with percussionist Pan Pradere, Jan will tell the story of Woyengi and the Medicine Woman. The weekend will centre around conversations and workshops inspired by the story, quiet reflection, movement, music and breath work.Foraging walks will be led by The Urban Herbalist Roisin Reilly and delicious food will be prepared by chef Alex Jorge. All in the glorious landscape of Cae Mabon.

This retreat isn’t only for storytellers.It’s for those whose lives have been touched by myth, fairytale & folklore.Join us in this unique opportunity to explore the inherent wisdom of this myth.

Booking Details

Arrival: 16:00-17:00 July 11th 2024
Departure: 15:00 July 14th 2024
Full payment by June 10th.
Location:Cae Mabon
LL55 3HB
We aim to make this retreat
as financially accessible as possible. If you would like to discuss a payment plan, please email: [email protected]

Jan Blake

Jan Blake is a storyteller, consultant, mentor & plenary speaker who has been performing world-wide since 1986. Born in Manchester, UK to Jamaican parents, Jan specialises in folktales and myths from the Caribbean, West Africa, North Africa, and the Arab regions.In 2021 she launched her own online storytelling school, the Akua Storytelling Project. The school is devoted to developing a new generation of international storytellers, as well as helping teachers to become great storytellers in the classroom.Africa dreaming is a series of explorations, immersing ourselves in the mythology of the African continent, which has all too often been dismissed as having nothing to offer dominant Western cultures. This dismissal has starved the children of the diaspora, particularly those of Caribbean heritage, of the nourishment which these myths might have been able offer as they grew up in Europe. It is an invitation to explore the wisdom of these myths and to reflect deeper upon your own cultural heritage.

Thanks for stopping by!
©Jan Blake